
25 feb 2018

[2º A] Travel brochures by....2º A

Instead of the usual writing activity at the end of our textbook units, I suggested students to make a travel brochure. They chose the country and looked for the necessary information and pics to include on the Internet. Later, it was just a question of using their imagination.This is a panorama of their creativity. I have included all the works that they handed in.

En lugar de la rutinaria actividad de redacción del final de cada unidad de nuestro libro, les propuse a los alumnos realizar un pequeño folleto turístico de algún país o ciudad que les gustase visitar o que conocieran. Los datos e imágenes los sacaron de internet. A partir de ahí, sólo era cuestión de echar a volar el lado artístico de cada uno. Esta es una panorámica de los trabajos presentados.

Yes! It's a donkey in Stockholm. :)

María Dolores made this fabulous cutout of a Greek church from Santorini Island.

Lucía made this beautiful brochure.

Fran showed us this mini travel guide of New York. You can really keep it in any pocket.

Mª Carmen showed a huge travel guide of Rome with a real photograph and even a map of the city! Huge as the Colosseum!

Congrats, students!!